Release 0.2.0 (2016-06-06)

End User Changes

The tweak command

The tweak command allows managing internal ram options that affect framework behavior. The options are system-wide and their values are persistent. In general usage of options is intended for development and debugging purposes. Without arguments, the tweak command prints all available options and their values:

$ ram tweak

To get value of the option, pass it’s name to the tweak command as an argument:

$ ram tweak debug

To set value of the option, pass it’s name and value to the tweak command as arguments. For boolean options following values will be accepted: on/off, yes/no, true/false and 1/0:

# ram tweak debug on
# ram tweak debug 1

The following options are available in the release 0.2.0:

Enables debug output.
Forces ram to automatically run the apply action for a unit after its setup action has completed.
Switches to the usage of os.system instead of subprocess if possible.
Allows lookup and execution of ram units from local paths.

The print command

The print command introduced in the previous releases allows printing unit configuration storage as key-value pairs. Output of this command is human-readable and suitable for machine parsing. To make sure that the command output is up to date, run the query command first:

# ram query ifconfig
$ ram print ifconfig
ifaces=eth0 eth2

Since the release 0.2.0 of ram framework, it is possible to specify a key name as a print command argument to print only its value. The key name will not be included in the output. This feature is intended for shell scripts and designed to be shell-friendly. For example, lists are displayed as space separated strings which are suitable for using with the for shell construct. For boolean values, a missing key-value pair or an empty value indicate false and a non-empty value indicates true:

$ ram print ifconfig ifaces
eth0 eth2
$ ifaces=`ram print ifconfig ifaces`
$ for ifname in $ifaces do ram print ifconfig ${ifname}.hw_addr; done
$ eth0=`ram print ifconfig eth0.enabled`
$ [ -n "$eth0" ] && echo "enabled" || echo "disabled"
$ eth1=`ram print ifconfig eth1.enabled`
$ [ -n "$eth1" ] && echo "enabled" || echo "disabled"
$ eth2=`ram print ifconfig eth2.enabled`
$ [ -n "$eth2" ] && echo "enabled" || echo "disabled"

The apply command

The earlier versions of ram framework (prior to release 0.2.0) only allow querying, modifying and storing configurations to the corresponding configuration files. However, it is usually required to restart the corresponding services to apply changes, so a user has to remember what services to restart or what commands to run.

The 0.2.0 version of ram framework allows unit developers to create apply actions for their units. The apply action is a regular shell script that takes care of services related to settings managed by unit. To avoid excessive service restarts, unit developer has to add checks if settings in effect are the same as settings in configuration files.

In the earlier version of ram framework (prior to release 0.2.0) the apply action is used to copy configuration from unit storage to the actual system configs. In the current version, role of the apply action is redefined for applying changes to a running system and the store action is used for updating system configs. As a result, a typical ram unit session looks as follows:

# # query from system configs and put values to unit's storage
# ram query ifconfig

# # run actual end user interaction using front end
# ram input ifconfig

# # get values from unit's storage and store to system configs
# ram store ifconfig

# # meta-action setup could be used to run query/input/store in sequence
# ram setup ifconfig

# # apply system configs in effect
# ram apply ifconfig

It is not always required to apply settings right after they have been edited. By default, The apply action has to be invoked separately and not run by the setup meta-action. It is possible to change this behavior using the apply option managed by the``tweak`` command. If this option is set, the apply action is invoked after each successful setup action:

# ram tweak apply on

# # no need for separate apply invocation now
# ram setup ifconfig

The option is persistent and system-wide. Once set, it applies to every invocation of the setup action on the machine.

Developer Changes

Unit cache and local units

The earlier versions of ram framework perform lookup outside of standard unit library in a current directory and in the list of directories specified by RAMPATH environment variable. Due to inconvenience of managing RAMPATH for different users and different ram unit distributions this mechanism is now substituted with global unit cache and local unit mechanisms.

By default, the current version of ram framework looks up for units only in its cache directory. To add any redistributable units to cache, copy the top-level unit directory path into a file, place it in /etc/ram/, then run ram cache to update cache. To delete redistributable units from cache, remove the corresponding file from /etc/ram/ and run the ram cache command again, for example:

$ ram index
$ ls .
myunit1/ myunit2/
# pwd >/etc/ram/myunits
# ram cache
$ ram index
# rm -f /etc/ram/myunits
# ram cache
$ ram index

Thus, install/uninstall scripts or package hooks of redistributed ram units should manage the /etc/ram files and invoke the ram cache command. To update cache for one specific unit only, add the unit name to the ram cache command as a argument:

# ram cache myunit

Local units are introduced to avoid running ram cache every time changes are committed to unit. To enable support of local units, the local option should be set:

# ram tweak local on

Once local units are enabled, it is possible to use a regular directory path as a unit name, provided that the directory includes ram unit files. If a directory and a unit in cache share the same name, local directory unit is preferred:

# ram setup /path/to/myunit
# cd /path/to
# ram setup ./myunit
# ram setup myunit
# cd ./myunit
# ram setup .

Framework stores all runtime files (such as storage db and lock files) in local unit directory instead of dedicated directories in /var hierarchy.

Bash completion distributed with ram framework recognizes the local option and provides regular directories as completion options if this ram option is set.

It is recommended to avoid using local units on end user configurations.

Tagged action scripts

The earlier versions of ram framework use strict filenames for unit action scripts. Name of the script should match the name of the related action name without extension. So, the query script is used to handle the query unit action, the store script is used to handle the store action, etc.

The current version of ram framework recognizes scripts with the action name followed by . and a custom specifier string as secondary tagged action scripts. The primary origin action script (without specfier) is always executed first; the secondary action scripts are executed afterwards with no strictly defined execution sequence. As a result, none of these scripts related to the same action should depend on each other. Tagged scripts are introduced to allow splitting code that handles different services with the same configuration domain. The tagged script feature also allows implementing scripts in different languages (i.e. python and shell).


# ls proxywiz

The proxywiz unit provides two tagged store scripts. One of these scripts saves proxy configuration to yum config file and the other one saves proxy configuration in user environment profiles. Be careful when running query scripts, because they are executed in sequence and the latter scripts can override configuration queried by the previous ones. In the example above, only one original query script is provided.

Cross-unit python imports

The previous versions of ram framework allowed importing py-modules provided by units using the following code:

>>> # old way
>>> import ram.unitlib
>>> import network.probe

Once ram.unitlib is imported, py-modules provided by units can be imported using unit name as top-level package. This code imports from the network unit directory. Due to confusing stateful behaviour and risk of name resolution conflicts with packages from python search path, this semantics has been improved to make it straight-forward:

>>> # new way
>>> import

As a result, all found units are available as subpackages of ram.unitlib. The standard library contains units that provide only imports with no defined ram entry points (actions). These units are marked with the ! symbol in the output of the ram index command:

$ ram index
account          !   Account configuration-related functions.
adminwiz             Create new system user and set password.
datetime             Configure system clock.
diskwiz              Disk partitioning.
eulawiz              Find suitable EULA files and ask user to agree on terms.
generic          !   Generic functions for units.
hostname             Configure hostname.
ifconfig             Network interface configuration.
internet         !   Internet URL manipulation functions for units.
logview              View system logs using less.
network          !   Network configuration-related functions for units.
pipecat              Generic unit to display pipe data transfer progress.
resolver             Configure DNS resolver.
routing              Configure gateway and routes.
timewiz              Generic time configuration.
timezone             Configure timezone for the machine.

It is possible to apply the described import semantics not only in ram unit scripts but also in arbitrary python scripts or even at python interactive interpreter.

Cross-unit storage access

Import mechanics described in the previous section also serves for cross-unit storage access. To retrieve values from a storage db of another unit, top-level package referencing this unit should be imported. For example, to access values from the ifconfig storage it is required to import ram.unitlib.ifconfig. Once imported, the module object acts as a dictionary with the same semantics as config dictionary for the running unit:

>>> from ram.unitlib import ifconfig
>>> print ifconfig['ifaces']
eth0 eth2

Before giving access to the storage db of the imported unit, ram framework attempts to run the query action for this unit, but it may fail (with traceback printed in the console) if the caller has insufficient permissions to perform this action. In this case the caller script execution is continued but the outdated information is provided.

The imported unit provides all its configuration values from the storage db in read-only mode. Framework does not prohibit actual update of imported unit dictionary but values are not actually modified in the storage db.

Non-python scripts can also access values from other ram units using the ram print command:

# ram print ifconfig ifaces
eth0 eth2

Python imports and the ram print command can be used not only in ram unit scripts but also in any arbitrary scripts.

ConfigOpener objects

Release 0.2.0 of ram framework introduces new entities to reduce boilerplate code writing in query and store scripts for ram units. In previous versions, a typical store script would look this way:


import ram.unitlib
from ram.formats import ini

if __name__ == '__main__':
    config = ram.unitlib.Config()

        target = ini.cfgopen('/path/to/config.ini', 'section', readonly=False)
        target['option'] = config['option']
    except IOError as e:
        ram.unitlib.Failed("Cannot open system configuration file: %s" % e)

Different ram units can act in the different configuration sections of the same service configuration file. As a result, try/catch construct is copied and pasted multiple times in error-prone approach.

Current release introduces context-manager semantics for external config formats such as ini- or env-files. In addition to that, ConfigOpener objects are introduced to conveniently utilize context-manager semantics:


import ram.unitlib

from ram.formats import ini
from ram.formats import ConfigOpener

if __name__ == '__main__':
    config = ram.unitlib.Config()

    ini_conf = ConfigOpener(ini.cfgopen, 'system', '/path/to/config.ini')

    with ini_conf('section', readonly=False) as target:
        target['option'] = config['option']

In the example above the ConfigOpener object is created using ini.cfgopen as a method to open the file. The second parameter set to 'system' is used as a short description of the config file. It is used in error messages generated by ConfigOpener. The third parameter points to the location of the config file in the filesystem. Instance of the ConfigOpener object is used as a function producing context manager, its parameters are passed to the cfgopen method. Once the with statement completes successfully, the sync() method of the config object is called.

It is recommended to move the ConfigOpener object creation to a separate library unit to reuse it from other units.

Data validators

As in previous releases ram framework provides a way to specifiy validator functions for RunEntry data fields. But signature and behaviour of these functions has to be modified. For example, function validating that value is not empty would look like:

# old way
def ValidateNonEmpty(title, value):
    if not value:
        return "%s could not be empty\n" % (title,)
        return ""

Validator functions takes two arguments: title of the field and value to be validated. If no validation errors occur, function returns empty string. Otherwise function code has to return formatted error message with title considered as a string.

In current release ram framework takes care of titles and error message formatting. Data validator function takes only one argument - value to be validated. In case of validation errors function code has to raise ValueError exception with error message(s) passed as ValueError argument(s). Return value of the function is ignored. But it is a good practice to return parsed value as a result:

# new way
def ValidateNonEmpty(value):
    if not value:
        raise ValueError("could not be empty\n")
        return value

Using shell scripts as actions

It is recommended to use Shell scripts instead of Python scripts for some unit actions. For example the apply scripts are usually better expressed in Shell terms because their intention is to check existance and timestamps of various files and run set of shell commands to restart services. A Python script would be overcomplicated for this task. Moreover, Shell script can be used to implement the store script in case there is no suitable parser or serializer available for a config file format the unit is operating on, but configs can be roughly edited using sed.

The current version of ram framework allows accessing the unit storage db in read-only mode from the same unit Shell scripts using the following semantics:


option=`ram print - option`

In addition to the special print semantics, this release is distributed with two Shell libraries to reuse in unit scripts:

It is recommended to source this library from every shell unit script. ram.functions handles special environment variables set by ram framework, i.e. turns on shell xtrace if the ram debug option is set.
Provides set of functions to manage system services and firstboot scripts.